Thursday, May 17, 2007

It's Open House Night

Hello All,

Once again this week I am behind in posting. This week has been super busy: I had a training until late on Tuesday, was here at school late on Wednesday and am finally sitting down to blog tonight.

I am looking forward to seeing you all here tonight.

So, the past few days: We've had Junior Achievement three days this week. Today the students voted for a mayor of their Community. It was interesting to watch them struggle with the idea of voting in secret. Overall, the students chose the mayor who had pledged to build an animal shelter, much to the dismay of several vocal boys. It was a good lesson about the realities of being a voter: what you vote for doesn't always win.

We all shared our biography posters (though the Audio wasn't recorded when I recorded them directly into iMovie :-() with the class and with our Big Buddies. Watching the Big Buddies sit and listen to our children was endearing. We've also been practicing reading non-fiction text pieces and identifying the most important fact we've learned.

Work continues on our All About books; revision will take place next week and then we'll begin the production process. I am hopeful that the students who have been working on the book about Bethany will have an impressive product.

We started collecting classroom data regarding the number of teeth lost. Please, please, please, make sure that your child brings back his information from family and friends. We need it for math tomorrow. We will continue to work on data collection, representations and synthesis into next week.

Students will begin investigating a coral reef animal tomorrow for our last research project of the year. I can't wait to see which animals the students choose.

Have a wonderful evening.

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