Wednesday, May 2, 2007

and just like that, Wednesday was gone

I was out on Tuesday, so no blog entry. The sub reported the students were wonderful and said she'd come back any time. It's always nice to hear a glowing report of your students (it's not always that way, i will admit....)

Today was a refreshing day. The students are confident in their abilities and were taking on tasks without batting an eye. We played another round of Synonym Concentration today, and students had to tell me a pair of syllables for their ticket to lunch. My favorite was "Clicker and Remote." Sure enough, that's a set of syllables.

Tomorrow people posters begin. I will talk with the few students who didn't want to do a poster tomorrow to work out what they'd like to do. Most students sketched a rough draft today, and we are excited. I'd like to invite our 5th grade buddies to hear our fact presentations.

Kiddos had another chance today to finish up their partner stories. I really am amazed by what they're turning out. Cooperative talk is wonderful to hear. Tomorrow will be back at our "All About" books.

We learned about Venn diagrams in math and applied our knowledge to more sorting based on Yektti attributes. Tomorrow the students will select two attributes and collect data from our class for their own Venn diagram. We worked on a health assessment this afternoon that involved proper hand washing technique.

We've had lots of kids with colds in our class. If your child has a fever, she must stay home for a full day after the fever has broken. Remember to wash your hands often. It's always sad when students are missing.

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